These resources will help you and your lawyer understand the problematic of medical misdiagnoses by child abuse pediatricians leading to false child abuse accusations.

There are many medical diagnoses that mimic child abuse. Please consult p.56-57 of the SBU on traumatic shaking report.

Remember, your lawyer is not an expert on false child abuse accusations problematic unless he/she had already dealt with a similar case. It will be your responsibility to provide them with relevant information that they can base their defense on.


Abulebda K, Abu-Sultaneh S, Lutfi R.: It is not always child abuse: multiple fractures due to hypophosphatemic rickets associated with elemental formula use. Clin Case Rep. 2017 Jul 7;5(8):1348-1351.

Cyrille Rossant, Chris Brook: Why admitted cases of AHT make a low quality reference standard: A survey of people accused of AHT in France. Forensic Science International: Synergy, Volume 6, 2023.

Ayoub, David. Commentary on Posterior Rib Fractures.

Ayoub, David. Early Infantile Rickets: A new Look at an Old Disease and Mimic of Child Abuse (video).

Ayoub, Hyman, Cohen, Miller. A Critical Review of the Classic Metaphyseal Lesion: Traumatic or Metabolic?

CAAP doctor John Burke Baird, head of the Child Advocacy and Assessment Program at McMaster, Hamilton did not qualify as an expert to provide opinion at court following voir dire, 2021.

CAS Ontario blogspot

Great resource for all information on how to deal with CAS, get educated on laws that govern CAS, how to file complaints against CAS etc.

Clifford, Stephanie: When the Misdiagnosis is Child Abuse. The Marshall Project. 08/20/2020.

  • a great article that will help you understand the role of child abuse pediatricians in their medical/investigative role and their connections to Family and Children’s Services

Cindy W. Christian and Lisa J. States. Medical Mimics of Child Abuse. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2017, 208:5, 982-990.

CSI on Trial: Shaken Baby Syndrome (video).

CSI on Trial: Shaken baby Syndrome (audio).

- wrongful hypothesis rooted in the mechanics of whiplash, proven to be wrong as the only cause of so called “triad” - retinal and brain bleeding and brain swelling.

CYFSA, 2017. Ontario regulation 156/18: General Matters Under the Authority of the Minister.

EDS - Beighton scale.

Child Welfare Agencies Failed to Ensure Safety of Indigenous Girl at Risk of Human Trafficking, Ombudsman Finds. April 13, 2023.

England, Christina. Information Pack for Parents and Caregivers Falsely Accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome or Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

Gabaeff, Steven. Exploring the Controversy in Child Abuse Pediatrics and False Accusations of Abuse.

Gabaeff, Steven. Challenging the Patophysiologic Connection between Subdural Hematoma, Retinal Hemorrhage and Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Grinius, Crystal. Family and Children Services: Child Protection or Child Corruption.

Dealing with FCAS in Ontario up and close in her childhood and later as a parent.

Good lawyer/ Bad lawyer list

Find a great lawyer in Ontario. Based on previous experience of people dealing with CAS.

Holick, Michael. Multiple Fractures in Infants who have Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Syndrom and/or Vitamin D deficiency.

Holick MF. Resurrection of vitamin D deficiency and rickets. J Clin Invest. 2006 Aug;116(8):2062-72. doi: 10.1172/JCI29449. PMID: 16886050; PMCID: PMC1523417.

Introduction to Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A Guide for Medical Professionals, Individuals and Families Affected by OI.

Kear, Greg. Greg kindly shared his extensive resource library of articles on many aspects of false child abuse accusations.

Maloney, Beth Alison, J.D.: Protecting Your Child from the Child Protection System.

Dr Maloney also provides online consultations should you find yourself in a situation where your child is being medically kidnapped. Check out her website

Often cited child protection cases. Superior Court of Justice, Ontario.

Ontario incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect -2018. Major findings.

Pals, Gerard: Child Abuse & OI - from the Geneticist Perspective.

Patel, Bhavita. Butterfield, Rebecca. Common Skin and Bleeding Disorders That Can Potentially Masquerade as Child Abuse.

Paterson, Colin R. Vitamin D deficiency Rickets and Allegations of Non-accidental Injury.

Pinsley, Mark: The Cost of Misdiagnosis, 2023.

-how much do misdiagnoses of child abuse cost the taxpayers in unnecessary social work casework, foster care, parenting programs, defending lawsuits. Example from Pennsylvania.

Signs of EDS.

SBU on Traumatic Shaking.

The Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment & Assessment of Social Services discusses head trauma and lists actual diagnoses that might have been misdiagnosed as abuse (p.56-57).

Statement of the Innocence Network on Shaken Baby Syndrome/ Abusive Head Trauma.

The Gouge Report.

Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology in Ontario, 2008.

Retino-dural hemorrhages in infants are markers of degree of intracranial pathology, not of violent shaking. Wiley online library. March 13, 2024.

The Syndrome

A documentary on the junk science used by the child abuse community to this very day.

Superior Court of New Jersey: Appeal regarding two SBS alleged cases. September, 2023.

  • states that “[t]he evidence supports the finding that there is a real dispute in the larger medical and scientific community about the validity of shaking only SBS/AHT theory, despite its seeming acceptance in the pediatric medical community.

Sticks and Stones

A podcast on cases of medical kidnapping.

Tuerkheimer, Deborah: Flawed Convictions. “Shaken Baby Syndrome” and the Inertia of Justice.

Dr Turkheimer, Professor of Law from Harvard and Yale, “exposes extraordinary failings in the criminal justice system’s treatment of what is, in essence, a medical diagnosis of murder”

Walker A, El Demellawy D, Davila J. Rickets: Historical, Epidemiological, Pathophysiological, and Pathological Perspectives. Acad Forensic Pathol. 2017 Jun;7(2):240-262. doi: 10.23907/2017.024. Epub 2017 Jun 1. PMID: 31239976; PMCID: PMC6474539.

- what Vitamin D deficiency rickets is diagnosed (X-ray findings and Vitamin D levels)