What is medical kidnapping?

In a nutshell: your child gets sick and you seek medical help, yes, you, the person later labelled as a child abuser. A child advocacy pediatrician (CAP), who is a pediatrician with no further specialization, contracted by Family and Children’s Services, labels your child as a victim of child abuse. This is possible because certain medical conditions mimic those occurring with child abuse (see pages 56-57 in this report). For example fractures in a baby can be caused by abusive behavior, but can also be the result of medical conditions such as Vitamin D deficiency - infantile rickets, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Osteogenesis Imperfecta and other medical conditions. Under current laws in Ontario, these are not tested for before your child gets apprehended from your care.

As a result, you are up for a battle with the accusing doctor/hospital to get your child properly diagnosed and treated and for a legal battle in family court with Family and Children’s Services to get your child back in your care. Criminal charges are sometimes an added bonus.

Less likely scenario of medical kidnapping is when your child is hospitalized and you, their parent, refuse certain treatment or medication.

This is how it plays out. This is how an innocent parent can end up pleading guilty to child abuse of their sick child to avoid possible life in prison. These statistics are further used against other families in fabricated child abuse accusations.