Medical Kidnapping

We are here to help families who find themselves falsely accused of child abuse and to hold CAS agencies accountable for their actions.

Do you think that the Netflix documentary “Take Care of Maya” is a story that cannot happen to you, a loving parent in Canada? Think again!

Do you think that when you bring your SICK child to an ER you cannot get accused of child abuse and be forced to leave the hospital alone, while your child gets apprehended by Family and Children’s Services? Think again!

Do you think that your SICK child cannot be denied thorough testing and necessary treatment for months or years because of the non-accidental injury misdiagnosis? Think again!

Watch W5’s Dubious Diagnosis to see examples of kidnappings of misdiagnosed children in Hamilton and Waterloo.

Watch “Take Care of Maya” on Netflix to see the story of medical kidnapping of Maya Kowalski and the horrors her family went through as a result.

What is medical kidnapping? FALSE child abuse accusation based on an assessment of a SICK child by Child advocacy pediatricians (SCAN) contracted by Family and Children’s Services in children’s hospitals leading to apprehension of your child and/or criminal charges against you.

If you think that kidnappings of children organized by the government ended with the Residential schools, think again. Family and Children’s services in cooperation with child abuse pediatricians in children’s hospitals continue this infamous Canadian tradition.

What is medical kidnapping?

Our goal


Child abuse is a horrendous crime that cannot be tolerated. So is medical kidnapping - false child abuse accusation by a child “advocacy” pediatrician leading to apprehension of children, long-term harassments by Children’s Aid Services, potential criminal charges, staggering lawyer bills and long-lasting emotional trauma for the whole family. To better understand how medical kidnapping works in Ontario (and the USA), please check this W5 documentary called Dubious Diagnosis.

Medical Kidnapping Ontario is here to educate the public and provide helpful information to falsely accused families about the cooperative practice of CAS/FACS (Children’s Aid Societies/Family and Children’s Services) and CAAP (Child Advocacy) doctors in Ontario leading to apprehension of children after medical misdiagnoses of child abuse.

Our long-term goal is a law change in Ontario so that medical kidnapping in Ontario is no longer possible. There are precedents of such successful law changes in Texas and Arkansas. More on it in chapter Law Change.